
What Happens When You Don’t Pay Your Taxes

Have you ever thought, "What would happen to me if I didn’t pay my taxes?" I have, but it’s a fleeting, nonsensical thought because to willfully not pay taxes, or not file a return for that matter, is tantamount to crazy. The IRS is one of the most powerful bureaucracies there is, with extremely broad [...]

How to File Your Back Taxes

While I recommend getting help from a tax professional to file a previous tax year’s return, I also understand that some may choose to brave the process on their own. In the spirit of such independence, here are some tips for filing back taxes. Take a deep breath Though you may think the IRS is [...]

5 Financial Goals Everyone Should Set For 2015

www.stoneandtilework.com They say that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Well, an ounce of planning has to be worth at least that. So this year, along with your New Year’s resolutions, why not tack on a few financial New Year’s resolutions? Here are a few that aren’t really that difficult, and [...]

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