
About Davie Barsalou

Davie is a Texas-certified lawyer. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics from the University of Texas, and a Doctor of Jurisprudence (a law degree) from South Texas College of Law. Most of us aren’t sure why, but Davie thinks tax laws are really cool.

4 Common Tax Scenarios Explained In Plain English

In the midst of tax season, I can’t help but notice that some deductions, exemptions, and credits are more common than others. Some are so common, in fact, that taxpayers expect to get them no matter what. But like everything else to do with the tax code, it’s not that simple. Requirements must be met [...]

3 Practical Ways to Use Your Tax Refund

wikipedia reference cheapest viagra All year we pay into our taxes. And, at the end of year, the government gives back anything we’ve overpaid in the form of a tax refund. Refunds are great – they provide extra cash to line our pockets. But if you’re one who gets a sense of euphoria upon receiving [...]

What Happens When You Don’t Pay Your Taxes

Have you ever thought, "What would happen to me if I didn’t pay my taxes?" I have, but it’s a fleeting, nonsensical thought because to willfully not pay taxes, or not file a return for that matter, is tantamount to crazy. The IRS is one of the most powerful bureaucracies there is, with extremely broad [...]

How to File Your Back Taxes

While I recommend getting help from a tax professional to file a previous tax year’s return, I also understand that some may choose to brave the process on their own. In the spirit of such independence, here are some tips for filing back taxes. Take a deep breath Though you may think the IRS is [...]

5 Financial Goals Everyone Should Set For 2015

www.stoneandtilework.com They say that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Well, an ounce of planning has to be worth at least that. So this year, along with your New Year’s resolutions, why not tack on a few financial New Year’s resolutions? Here are a few that aren’t really that difficult, and [...]

5 Financial Signs That You’re Getting Older

Nowhere can the aging process become more apparent than when you compare the stark differences between the financial you of today and yesteryear. The list to follow outlines five financial signs that you’ve attained -- I’ll put this delicately -- maturity. 1. Tis better to give than receive You know you’ve ripened when it seems [...]

5 Tips to Help You Prepare For Tax Season

With tax season almost upon us, millions of Americans will soon consult with their respective tax professionals to prepare an end of the year return. While many might 'know the drill' when it comes to having their taxes prepared, there are also plenty of first-timers out there who have never worked with a tax professional. [...]

What You Need to Know If You Have Self-Employment Income

There’s a pretty prevalent misconception out there that if you make your own way -- in your business or as an independent contractor -- that you only have to account for your income taxes at the end of the year. A lot of people also incorrectly think that, if they have a side business in [...]

When Tax Software Might Not Be The Best Choice

Tax software is great, if you have a scenario that works well within its confines. For example, if you’re a college student who makes very little money annually, and you don’t have any investments or deductions besides the standard deduction – sure, use tax software. But are your taxes that simple? If you have deductions [...]

6 Ways You Can Actually Live While on a Budget

Part of having money is saving money, and that means living on a budget. This should apply even if you have a healthy income, because one day you might want to retire, which requires a lot of reserve funds. That being said, you can be on a budget and truly enjoy your life. Here are [...]

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